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New BioShock Infinite Apparel

We’ve recently introduced a handful of new BioShock Infinite t-shirts, hoodies, and long-sleeve shirts to the Irrational Games Store. Scroll down to view each new item and click on the individual pictures to be whisked directly to the store to pick out your preferred size.

Songbird & Elizabeth T-Shirt Songbird & Elizabeth T-Shirt - Women's

Songbird & Elizabeth T-Shirt (Men’s / Women’s)

Possession Vigor T-Shirt Possession Vigor T-Shirt (Women's)

Possession Vigor T-Shirt (Men’s / Women’s)

A Murder of Crows T-Shirt A Murder of Crows T-Shirt (Women's)

A Murder of Crows T-Shirt (Men’s / Women’s)

Battleship Bay T-Shirt Battleship Bay Pullover (Women's)

Battleship Bay T-Shirt & Pullover (Men’s / Women’s)

Bettermen's Autobody T-Shirt Boys of Silence Long Sleeve Shirt

Bettermen’s Autobody T-Shirt & Boys of Silence Long Sleeve Shirt

Columbia Freight Hoodie

Columbia Freight Hoodie

We hope all of our fans enjoy the newest additions to the Irrational Games Store.

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