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Songbird Plushie Available for Pre-Order

“Songbird, Songbird, see him fly. Drop the children from the sky.
When the young ones misbehave, escorts children to their grave.”

More than just a mere Columbia child’s fable, your very own Songbird Plushie can now be pre-ordered directly from the Irrational Games store. We’ve teamed up with NECA Toys (creators of the Replica Sky-Hook and the ElizabethBoys of Silence figures) to create this Songbird Plushie, exclusively available at the Irrational store.

Sitting at 7” tall, Songbird has an outstretched wingspan of 14” from tip to tip, and allows you to protect everything from a shelf of books, a BioShock Infinite box, or even your very own tiny Columbian citizen from a perch above. This was concepted by Senior Character Concept Artist, Robb Waters. This Songbird is made from materials that were hand-selected to evoke the era-appropriate textures and fabric.

Find full details on how to pre-order your very own plushie HERE.


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